Saturday 8 April 2017

Why everyone can't be rich ?


   A friend of mine asked me, Sarfo Baffoe why can't every one be rich even when given an equal opportunity ? I just told him this honest truth that Everybody can't be rich because Everybody is never satisfied with what he\she has. Nobody is poor nor rich. The people whom we assume to be rich inwardly may see themselves to be poor because they are never satisfied with where they are now.  The rich man you know may be rich but he may be poor inwardly. They want to chase the wind to the end and catch it into their pocket which is impossible. 
   We may assume others to be poor but who knows what is inside them? They may seem to be poor outside but deep within them is richiness all because they are content with what they have.
    If everybody is not content with the little that he or she has, it is impossible to catch the wind of riches into our pocket. 
    NOTE; Being satisfied with what you have does not mean that you should not do your best to improve on your best.

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