Friday 3 March 2023

Learn Ghana Twi Language - Parts of the body

 Do you want to travel to Ghana or do you want to learn the Twi language ? Learning a new language is simple if you learn the basics. Today we are going to learn parts of the body in Twi language.

  1. Head                 ----Etire
  2. Face                  ----Anim
  3. Hair                 -----Nwi
  4. Forehead         -----Moma
  5. Eye                  -----Ani
  6. Nose               ------ Ehwene
  7. Ear                 ------Aso
  8. Cheek            -------Afono
  9. Mouth           ------- Ano
  10. Teeth             --------Ese
  11. Tongue          --------Tekyerema
  12. Chin             ---------Abodwee
  13. Neck             ---------Ekon
  14. Hand            ---------Nsa
  15. Shoulder      --------Abatire
  16. Stomach     --------- Yafunu
  17. Leg             ----------Enan

Wednesday 1 March 2023

How to prepare cornflakes with dry powdered milk

Corn flakes can be eaten with liquid milk or dry powdered milk depending on what is available in your kitchen. Many people have the idea that cornflakes are only eaten with liquid milk but that is not true. Today we are going to learn how to prepare cornflakes using dry powdered milk. 
Dry powdered milk

Method for preparing cornflakes
1. Warm water at 35 or 40 C° (2 glass)
2. Pour the warm water into a bowl
3. Scoop 4 or 5 teaspoon of the dry powdered milk & add sugar to taste.
4. Pour your cornflakes into a new bowl and add the new warm liquid milk onto your cornflakes. 
5. Enjoy it.