Friday 3 March 2023

Learn Ghana Twi Language - Parts of the body

 Do you want to travel to Ghana or do you want to learn the Twi language ? Learning a new language is simple if you learn the basics. Today we are going to learn parts of the body in Twi language.

  1. Head                 ----Etire
  2. Face                  ----Anim
  3. Hair                 -----Nwi
  4. Forehead         -----Moma
  5. Eye                  -----Ani
  6. Nose               ------ Ehwene
  7. Ear                 ------Aso
  8. Cheek            -------Afono
  9. Mouth           ------- Ano
  10. Teeth             --------Ese
  11. Tongue          --------Tekyerema
  12. Chin             ---------Abodwee
  13. Neck             ---------Ekon
  14. Hand            ---------Nsa
  15. Shoulder      --------Abatire
  16. Stomach     --------- Yafunu
  17. Leg             ----------Enan

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