Friday 15 October 2021

General Disease control practice in poultry farming

      General Disease Control Practices

The following can only be used as guidelines for disease control, for proper disease diagnosis and treatment, consult a Veterinarian. 

  • Don’t overcrowd birds

  • Feed must be of good quality

  • Adequate ventilation

  • Give clean water

  • Keep the poultry house clean

  • Don’t mix young and older birds

  • Dispose off dead birds quickly and isolate sick ones.

  • Provide disinfectant at the entrance of the poultry house

  • Antibiotics should never be used to replace good management and should be used on prescription by a veterinarian.


  Signs Of ILL Health

  • Dullness

  • Reduced feed intake

  • Reduced water intake

  • Low egg production

  • Reduced growth rate

  • Rough coat

Analysis of low  daily growth

  • Poor feed quality

  • Too much feed restriction

  • Too hot or cold temperature

  • A poor start

  • Genetics

  • Diseases and health problem

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