Saturday 25 February 2023

Home remedy for fever

Almost everybody has experienced fever once in his or her life. Body temperature rising, feeling cold and lost of appetite is a common sign of fever. Fever is very stressful if you get it. This natural home remedy can cure or give you some relief if indeed it is fever. 

1. Bay leaf (normally used as spice)
2. Rosemary ( normally used as spice)

1. Boil clean drinkable water (1 glass)
2 Put 2 bay leaf, 1 baby teaspoon of rosemary into the glass.
3. Pour the boiled water into the glass
4. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
5 Drink only the water in the glass and leave the bay leaf & the rosemary in the glass ( let it cool down to be warm before drinking) 

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